Project type:

Intro messages from the CEO

Written for:

Lake Champlain Chocolates

Art direction:

Stride Creative


RL Photo Studio


My favorite part of writing the Lake Champlain Chocolates catalogs is when I meet with founder Jim Lampman to bat around ideas for the intro (or “message from the CEO”). It’s a fun collaboration—every year, he regales me with great stories, and I help craft a message and voice that ring true for the brand and its customers. 

Copy (Holiday 2014): “Santa was here”

Once upon a time, I fell asleep dipping truffles. It was 1984, our first big Christmas rush. And I’d been up all night (well, most of it). Just trying to keep up with orders rolling in.
I had to wonder: “Jim, what did you get yourself into?”
Same way you feel on Christmas Eve, still awake in the wee hours, frantic as you wrap the last presents to place under the tree just so. You pause, you ask yourself, “Isn’t this a bit crazy?”
And it is. But next morning, the happy patter of feet and chorus of ooohs and ahhhhs tell you loud and clear: SANTA WAS HERE (believe it or not).
That’s why I do it—and I’ll bet it’s why you do it, too. Because giving someone you love a moment of magic is worth all the late nights in the world.
Remember the magic. And Merry Christmas!
—Jim Lampman, Founder/Owner

Click the images above to read more intros.



“Your work is great. Love the tone and how it rolls. What else can I say? – YOU GET IT!”  
– Jim Lampman | CEO, Lake Champlain Chocolates
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